HK Top Sustainability Stories Monthly Roundup: April 2023
ECHO ASIA | April 2023 | View Online
世界地球日專題 ~ 本土氣候倡議家鍾芯豫遠赴世界盡頭探索藍色心臟!本土年輕女氣候倡議家鍾芯豫隨知名海洋生物學家和國家地理學會駐會探險家 Dr. Sylvia Earle 及青年團隊前往南極洲完成該旅程。經歷12日的考察,團隊帶著大量科研成果。閱讀更多
【一文帶你了解香港光污染和噪音污染】你不可不知! 香港一年約有20萬個家居裝修,裝修工具發出的噪音可達80-90分貝,損害聽力。面對附近地區的地盤裝修,香港未入夜已然吵鬧。香港的《噪音管制條例》早前已修改規管家居裝修噪音...閱讀更多

EA 推出全新可持續品牌策略關鍵系列【可持續生活品味品牌推介】【可持續護膚品牌推介】【可持續品牌篇】、【你不可不知系列】、【香港可持續餐廳推介】、【可持續美妝篇】、【可持續零售篇】、【可持續地產發展篇】及【可持續餐飲篇】、可持續人氣BLOG【#低碳旅遊系列 -「環」遊新日本】及【世界上數一數二的綠色傳奇】以及 Visa 致力推動綠色永續生活,為大家搜羅一系列可持續品牌禮遇!

立即閱讀 《【可持續消費系列】生活品味達人必要知的10個可持續品牌》

by Tina Tang ~ ECHO ASIA
知名美食指南「米芝蓮」公布第15屆《香港澳門米芝蓮指南 2023》上榜榮獲「米芝蓮綠星」食肆名單有 Amber、Roganic、Mora摩 及澳門旅遊學院教學餐廳。米芝蓮綠星是一項年度獎項,標舉在永續作為上領先的餐廳。他們在道德與環保都有一定的堅持,與注重永續的供應商與生產者合作,減少浪費。了解更多可持續餐廳
【調查: 香港綠色建築7大優勢開拓國際市場】
建築物佔本港 90%的用電量和 60%的碳排放量,「節能綠建」亦是《香港氣候行動藍圖 2050》訂出的四大減碳策略之一。本月,香港貿發局經貿研究聯同領展,與本港和 RCEP 地區超過 70 名地產和物業管理界的持份者進行深度訪談,研究指出香港發展綠色建築有7大優勢,包括綠色金融;綠色建材減隱含碳排放;業界標準一致;創新建築方法;設施管理;綠色能源和可持續生活模式;可持續社區發展。了解更多調查報告
【美心綠色餐飲 - 致力推動餐飲業界可持續發展】
【Earthero Studio #NowOrNever 期間限定藝術裝置暨環保商店】
即日至6月22日,Earthero Studio 舉辦全新可持續服飾藝術「Now or Never」限定店。店內除了有一系列聯乘本地藝術家2times推出的春夏可持續服飾,亦有不同藝術裝置給大家打卡,讓你以另類方式反思可持續生活!此外,限定店亦有不同期間限定店和環保工作坊,讓大家在輕鬆的環境下反思舒適生活與環保的取捨。立即了解更多
香港快運(HK Express)首架A321neo空中巴士於本月正式啟航,新客機採用了CFM國際的LEAP-1A引擎,最大起飛推力為32,000磅,燃油效益得以提升百分之十五。乘客座椅則採用較輕巧的設計,令飛行過程產生的碳排放和燃料消耗減少。點擊了解更多
首個期間限定展覽以「綠續開餐」為主題,讓大家了解如何實踐低碳生活。展館免費入場,參加者能夠參加講座及工作坊,過一個充實又有意義的一天! 活動包括浸式視覺體驗、互動遊戲、及零售概念店 「米仔站」等。馬上按此了解更多!
北部都會上的「土」地 #Locobike單車導賞團
5月1日勞動節假期,V'air 和 LocoBike樂區踩 舉辦導賞團,導賞員將帶大家由元朗市開始騎單車,一邊走入「北部都會區」和紮根元朗牛潭尾超過70年的新興農場,探討多個議題,包括:土地規劃、城鄉共生、濕地保育和本地農業,從多個角度介紹城市發展和背後的故事。立即了解更多
K11 惜‧簡生活市集Pop-up,星展銀行
【K11 惜‧簡生活市集Pop-up】
即日至5月14日,惜‧簡生活市集Pop-up將於K11 Art Mall,帶來多款廚餘再生產品、升級再造好物、有機食品,以及家中種植產品等,與你一同建立環保日常!這次活動由星展銀行(DBS)全力支持。按此查看更多。
【Space X Lab Open Day】
本欄目逢星期一 6pm 截稿,歡迎聯絡我們團隊刊登貴機構之可持續活動
【關於ECHOASIA 週二《可持續簡報》】
我們致力推動和發展香港及亞太地區的低碳及可持續企業發展活動, 為大家分享每週二「可持續市場快訊」以及一連串的 「3分鐘閲讀」為大家深入淺出剖析及探討可持續企業發展概況及模式。
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  Sustainability of The Earth 

United Nations established the training and initiatives of Sustainable Development to protect and keep sustainability of the earth as well as the human development. Sustainable Development implies economic growth together with the protection of environmental quality and social situation, each reinforcing the other. It is crucial to harmonize three core elements: economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection. The earth is the home of human being and we need to protect the earth through Sustainable Development Planning (SDP) and prevent the occurrence of:

Climate Change & Greenhouse Gas

The planet’s average surface temperature has risen about 2.0 degrees Fahrenheit (1.1 degrees Celsius) since the late 19th century, a change driven largely by increased carbon dioxide and other human-made emissions into the atmosphere. The oceans absorbed much of  increased heat, the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. Global sea level rose about 8 inches in the last century. The rate in the last two decades, however, is nearly double that of the last century. The normal climate have been affected such as  typhoon, heavy rain and dry.

Pollution (Land & Oecan)

Marine pollution occurs when harmful, or potentially harmful, effects result from the entry into the ocean of chemicals, particles, industrial, agricultural, and residential waste, noise, or the spread of invasive organisms. Eighty percent of marine pollution comes from land. Air pollution is also a contributing factor by carrying off pesticides or dirt into the ocean. Land and air pollution have proven to be harmful to marine life and its habitats. Land pollution is the degradation of earth’s land surfaces often caused by human activities and its misuse. Haphazard disposal of urban and industrial wastes, exploitation of minerals, and improper use of soil by inadequate agricultural practices are a few of the contributing factors. Increasing urbanization, industrialization, and demands on the environment and resources are the great problem to land pollution.

Disease & Infection

Infectious diseases are disorders caused by organisms — such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Many organisms live in and on our bodies. They’re normally harmless or even helpful, but under certain conditions, some organisms may cause disease. Some infectious diseases can be passed from person to person. Some are transmitted by bites from insects or animals. And others are acquired by ingesting contaminated food or water or being exposed to organisms in the environment. There are new infectious diseases occure in each year and some are very dangerous and high transmission and death rate. Scientist and doctor need place effort to find the medicine and treatment.

World Institute of Sustainable Development Planners

ECHOASIA has teamed up with Worldwide Institute of Sustainable Development Planner (WISDP) – operates in the form of a Learned Society and a Research Institute, and works in partnership with UNESCO HKA with a view to providing training programmes for professionals. 

WISDP has established certification processes to recognize the achievements of professionals in sustainable development. These processes lead to the award of Certificate Sustainable Development Planner (CSDP) and Certificate Sustainable Development Corporation (CSDC)

    Certified Sustainable Development Planner (CSDP)

    The Certified Sustainable Development Planner (CSDP) certification is awarded by the WISDP to professionals who have met the standards in training and have accumulated work experiences in Sustainable Development Planning. These include professional standards in knowledge, competency, skills and culture. Recipients of the CSDP certification by WISDP can demonstrate his/her professionalism and capabilities in integrating sustainable development into their careers, industries as well as his/her career position. Certified Sustainable Development Planners of WISDP may use the CSDP Designation and CSDP Logo to identify his/her professionalism in sustainable development.

    Requirements for the CSDP:

    Education: A college degree or equivalent experience.

    Experience: Three years on a full-time job in support of sustainable development.

    Training: Completed professional training (level 4) in sustainable development recognized by WISDP.


    Certification Process:

    (1) Applicant should complete the Individual Membership Application Form and return it to the Administration of WISDP together with the Application Fee.

    (2) WISDP Admissions Committee will assess the application and arrange a certification interview.

    (3) Applicants should attend the certification interview when interviewers assess the knowledge, competency, skills and culture of the applicant.

    (4) WISDP will inform applicants about their certification results via email within 3 weeks after the interview.

    ECHOASIA x WISDP 全球可持續發展規劃師資格


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