JCSCCP Low·CO₂ Food Tasting Tour
「識碳 · 識食」嘉年華 2024
The Jockey Club Sustainable Campus Consumer Programme (JCSCCP) organised the Low·CO₂ Food Tasting Tour across eight universities in Hong Kong to promote sustainable and low-carbon eating habits. The eight total events were held across different universities in October 2024, reaching a total of 4,108 beneficiaries, providing students and staff from each campus a chance to taste delicious low-carbon dishes from various cuisines offered by campus caterers and local vendors, showcasing the delicious possibilities of low-carbon eating in Hong Kong. Participants of the event also learned how choosing green and local foods can benefit both their health and the planet through fun educational games. Through the various elements of the initiative, the campaign aimed to communicate three key messages:
Eat less meat, more vegetables
Eat local, eat closer
Reduce food
Student Helpers from PolyU
Educational Games
Three interactive and educational games were featured at each event to raise awareness about the benefits of low-carbon eating for their health and the planet and equip students with the knowledge to make low-carbon choices in their daily lives.
Game 1: Stick with the Green
The Game helps students understand what food items are considered low-, medium-, and high-carbon, among common menu items found in canteens.
Game 2: Move with the Good
The game aims to promote the health benefits of plant-based meals by highlighting the benefits of eating more vegetables and less meat.
Game 3: Pledge with the Sustainable
Through the pledge, we hope to encourage students to take action in their daily lives to reduce food waste, as it is one of the easiest and most actionable ways to reduce food’s environmental impact.
A social media competition was held for each event to further promote the event’s key messages, inviting students and staff of the respective universities to answer one question on how they would adopt and encourage low-carbon eating. For each event, the five most impactful and creative answers in the comments were selected as winners, i.e. 40 winners in total; with the winners receiving a GreenPrice gift card to further encourage conscious consumption and reduce food waste.
Food Vendors
In total, 15 local food vendors, including campus caterers, were invited to showcase their low-carbon dishes at the events, with their dishes representing various cuisines (in alphabetical order):
● Bijas Vegetarian Restaurant
● CUHK Canteen of S. H. Ho College
● EdUHK Canteen (The Cove View)
● Hotel ICON
● HFT Life
● HKBU AAB Canteen
● HKU Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre Restaurant
● Igloo Dessert Bar
● LingU Canteen (Chartwells)
● Plant Sifu (Good Food Tech)
● rAw | Pastry
● Rooot
● The Sandwich Club
● Terrace in seaside
#JockeyClubSustainableCampusConsumerProgramme #賽馬會綠續源園 #JCSCCP #SDG12 #Sustainability #可持續發展 #LowCO2FoodTastingTour #LowCarbonFood #CarbonEmission #GreenhouseGases #低碳飲食 #LocalFood #ChooseSmartEatBetter