The two new initiatives, ‘Cathay ChangeMakers’ and ‘World As One’, which have been developed by Social Ventures Hong Kong, are just the start of the airline’s efforts to re-energise its community objectives, which are to deliver positive change in society by collaborating with partners across different sectors to create shared value.
Cathay ChangeMakers pays tribute to and raises awareness of the work of Hong Kong people who have made a positive contribution to society, while World As One provides young people of diverse backgrounds with a thought-provoking travel experience that broadens their understanding of societal needs and cultivates empathy in their outlook on life.
The World As One programme, comprising 15 Hong Kong youngsters, where they served as volunteers to help and serve the needs of the local people in Cambodia last October. Through planned activities – including building new homes for villagers – and facilitated sharing sessions, each participant had the opportunity to gain a better understanding of the challenges faced by communities in the developing world, leading them to have greater empathy with their issues and circumstances.
國泰航空一直致力透過服務大眾回饋社區,全新社區關係拓展策略以促進青少年發展、多元共融、環境保護及文化交流為核心,國泰聯同香港社會創投基金共同策劃「Cathay ChangeMakers國泰領航者」及 「 World As One同理建世界」,為公司的社區策略的新目標揭開序幕,透過鼓勵跨界別合作,為香港社會帶來正面改變及長遠利益,創造共享價值。
[#WorldAsOne #同理建世界]
「World As One同理建世界」參加者以義工身份與大家分享於上年十月走進柬埔寨並融入當地生活,與當地人近距離交流的體驗及經歷。通過計劃的不同活動,包括幫助村民建屋及各種真實互動和交流分享,每個參加者都能更好地了解發展中國家所面對的民生狀況及社會挑戰,培養他們以同理心接觸世界,自我反思及探討社會議題。