#MyGelatoMate #OurGelatoMoment

Venchi Gelato Summer Campaign is a fully integrated video marketing, social media, digital PR, O2O and CSR-driven campaign.  We aimed to drive maximum brand awareness and exposure in social & digital media.  We lined up two of the hottest KOLs @RikkoLee and @SpoonChan to create a series of fun and emotional driven social VDOs in the summer of 2019, and followed by a series of social mini-game on Venchi’s FB and IG official page.

Fans can enjoy extra shopping privileges once they ordered Gelato instore during the “Gelato Week.” We also invited local food media, foodies and KOLs to come taste the latest Venchi Gelato’s summer flavours. Last but not least, we also lined up a local charity St. James Settlement to be our charity donation beneficiary. The brand has donated HK$ 5 dollars for every gelato sold during the “Gelato Week,” and we have successfully generated 49+ media coverages with media value exceed HK$ 670,000.

【Venchi Gelato #BlindTaste大挑戰】 挑戰者:Spoon Chan

【Venchi Gelato #BlindTaste大挑戰】 一對好閨蜜 #RikkoLee (IG: @rikkolee) 和 #SpoonChan (IG:@khengchan_) 上次發現原來大家都很愛吃 #VenchiGelato,更聲稱對Gelato瞭如指掌?。所以今次就來進行 #GelatoBlindTaste大挑戰,看看哪位才是專家?!今次除了有各款經典口味外,更率先加入五款全新口味,令難度大增!這一集先由Spoon接受挑戰,究竟她是否能夠準確猜中六款Gelato的口味呢?一齊看片吧!而想知道Rikko 如何挑戰好閨蜜,就記得密切留意下一集影片啦❣???想好似這兩位閨蜜一樣留下❤甜蜜時刻?你現在還可以參與 #OurGelatoMoment有獎遊戲 ,用?鏡頭記錄你與閨蜜的 #GelatoMoment,並發布到個人Facebook或Instagram參與遊戲,除可免費升級意式脆筒,更可免費獲得Gelato八折優惠券和精選巧克力?!#遊戲玩法:1️⃣拍下與好友共享Venchi Gelato的甜蜜時刻2️⃣上傳圖片至個人Facebook或Instagram帳號3️⃣於貼文加上 #MyGelatoMate 及 #OurGelatoMoment,標記(tag) Venchi Facebook或Instagram官方帳號 (@VenchiHK) 4️⃣發布到個人Instagram或Facebook帳號上(個人帳號或發布之相片須設為公開)?由即日起至6月30日,Venchi Hong Kong每週將挑選 ?張「最佳照片」,並於Venchi Facebook 及Instagram官方帳號公布此十位得獎者並轉載得獎圖片,得獎者更可獲得Gelato兌換券和Venchi購物優惠券?!條款及細則+獎品詳情:https://bit.ly/2W2ki1E#VenchiHK #VenchiHongKongRikko Lee 李靄璣 Lazy Dazzy

Venchi 1878 發佈於 2019年6月4日星期二


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