EARTHERO PROJECT – Wear Earthero「___重新構想」展覽 2022
Pedius Launch in Hong Kong – First in Asia
由意大利社企Pedius SRL創立,專為聽障人士通話而設手機 App-Pedius,9月10日正式於亞洲首站-香港率先發佈,面向全港超過十五萬的聽障人口投入服務。ECHO ASIA 一直都十分支持不同企業利用創新科技,配合社會需求,為社會創造價值並帶來正面積極的改變。是次亦非常開心可以有幸籌辦啟動儀式,見證這個充滿意義的時刻。 Pedius App結合語音識別 (Speech Recognition) 及語音合成技術 (Voice Synthesis Technology),可以實現文字信息與語音信息交替轉換對話,令聽障人士無須在第三方協助下亦能「發聲」通話,於任何時間都可致電電話服務中心及公共服務,實踐社會共融,令聽障人士打破沉默,從「此」發聲。 Pedius手機應用程式現可支援8種語言,自推出以來,服務已沿伸至意大利、法國、英國、美國、西班牙等12個國家。為隆重其事,Pedius 香港發佈會邀請到Pedius SRL的創辦人Lorenzo Di Ciaccio先生及CSL Mobile市場營銷總裁暨The Club行政總裁林國誠先生出席啟動儀式並擔任主禮嘉賓,共襄盛舉。…
Venchi Gelato – Summer Campaign 2019
#MyGelatoMate #OurGelatoMoment Venchi Gelato Summer Campaign is a fully integrated video marketing, social media, digital PR, O2O and CSR-driven campaign. We…
FairTaste 細味公平 – 15th Anniversary – Cafair•Taste Pop-up Café at PMQ
To celebrate 15th anniversary of Fair Taste and continue to promote the Fair Trade messages, we helped the brand to…
Blue Cross Insurance – 《不枉》Music Marketing x Social Fund Raising
Blue Cross Insurance – HK Open Fencing Championships 2018
Every year, the Hong Kong Fencing Opens (HKO) attracts top local and overseas fencers to compete for the championships. This…
Green Earth Charity Movie Night
We launched a charity movie night - STOP-SINGLE-USE-PLASTIC 「停一膠」- 零膠人生慈善放映會 - to fundraise for a local green NGO, Green Earth.…
EMSD 機電工程署 ~ Kai Tak District Cooling Open Day 2018
An official open day to engage more than 1,000 public from local minor communities, stakeholders, families, students to neighbourhood from…
Asian Fencing Championships 2017
CELISUS Hong Kong activation campaign, negative calorie drink. A fitness drink clinically proven to accelerate metabolism, burn body fat and…