#SustainableDevelopment #SustainableDiet #Reuse #ReusableUtensils #EcoFriendlyUtensils #WasteReduction #DisposablePlasticUtensilBan #PublicConsultationonProducerResponsibilitySchemeonPlasticBeverageContainers #WasteCharging #FoodWaste #PlasticDisposal #DisposableTableware #sustainablesbrandseries
Written by Kary Cheng. Edited by Samson Tong & Cleo Chan. KV created by Kara Lo.
“Speed & Efficiency” has firmly rooted itself in the hearts of Hong Kong people, like a surge of passion that influences our approach to handling tasks. The fast-paced work ethic of Hong Kong citizens has propelled its finance industry to the forefront globally. However, Hong Kong remains in an “awkward position” in terms of environmental protection. The majority of citizens prioritise speed and convenience, resulting in excessive reliance on disposable plastic items. According to the 2022 Monitoring of Solid Waste in Hong Kong report, nearly 40% of the 227 tons of plastic and foam tableware disposed of daily in Hong Kong originates from the commercial and industrial sectors, with the remainder coming from households.
The Hong Kong government is set to implement the first phase of the “Regulation of Disposable Plastic Tableware Scheme” and the “Producer Responsibility Scheme on Plastic Beverage Containers and Beverage Cartons” on April 22nd this year. This initiative will prohibit businesses from providing or selling disposable foam tableware, straws, plastic knives, forks, and other related items.
“I am thrilled to see more people finally embracing the use of reusable tableware,” says Carlotta, founder of eco-friendly tableware brand Lexngo. Since 2006, Lexngo has been introducing eco-friendly tableware to the market and actively collaborating with F&B (Food & Beverage) and B2B (Business to Business) partners to discuss integrating eco-friendly tableware into corporate operations, replacing disposable tableware, and promoting a culture of reuse to consumers and employees. The journey has not been easy, but their perseverance has brought hope.
Addressing the Cause and not the Symptoms
Drawing on her extensive experience in international trade, Carlotta sheds light on a notable disparity in reusability culture between Hong Kong and foreign countries. Specifically, she highlights the prevalence of practices like BYOB (Bring Your Own Box) in foreign countries, which can be attributed to the implementation of a “user pays” mechanism. While businesses in Hong Kong recognise the importance of environmental protection in waste reduction, the absence of a “user pays” system makes it difficult for them to resist the allure of low-cost disposable tableware. Additionally, concerns about potential hygiene issues associated with reusable tableware further contribute to their hesitation in embracing sustainable alternatives.
Lexngo introduces its latest promotional campaign, “Better Taste Less Waste,” with a clear objective of preserving food freshness and reducing waste. The campaign aims to promote sustainable habits under the banner of “high-quality reusable eco-friendly tableware”,” hoping to inspire both businesses and citizens to adopt convenient, environmentally friendly, and low-carbon lifestyles.”
A variety of Silicone Collapsible Flexi cups
Microwavable 316L Stainless Steel Two Compartment Container with ABS Lid
Promoting Reusability Through Corporate Partnerships
With the increasingly widespread ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) trend, many commercial brands are embracing sustainability as a core value. Corporate gifts offer an excellent opportunity for businesses to incorporate environmental elements into their promotional efforts. Many companies in Hong Kong use gifts as a medium to foster long-term customer support and promote their corporate brands. Recognizing this trend, Lexngo is frequently invited by businesses to redesign customised and eco-friendly corporate gifts, aiming to promote a culture of reusability across various industries.
In addition, Lexngo collaborates with businesses to develop strategies for promoting the culture of reusable tableware within the industry. They actively provide assistance and support to grasp the importance of utilising reusable tableware while reducing the environmental pollution resulting from disposable consumption. This mutually beneficial initiative contributes to a more sustainable future.
Balancing Mainstream Appeal with Niche Satisfaction
“Innovation stems from public demand. The harder it is to find, the more imperative it is to create.”
Brianna Wong, Sales & Operation Director of Lexngo.
Although the development of reusable tableware in Hong Kong may not yet be fully mature, Lexngo perseveres with an unwavering spirit, promoting the culture of reusable tableware for over a decade. Adhering to the principles of “portability,” “durability,” and “cleanability,” they strive to reshape the perception of reusable tableware among Hong Kong residents. Brianna understands the importance of product hygiene to Hong Kong people, making material selection crucial. Lexngo’s reusable containers, straws, and utensils are crafted from silicone and microwave-safe stainless steel, ensuring they can withstand high-temperature disinfection without releasing harmful substances, thus providing users with safety assurance.
(from left)Brianna、Carlotta、Caroline
The extensive use of disposable tableware in the food and beverage industry presents a substantial environmental challenge. Acknowledging this, Lexngo extends its efforts to promote the culture of reusable tableware to the food and beverage industry, carefully considering their unique needs. For instance, in the case of common dishes like soup noodles, using a conventional square-shaped container may lead to spillage from the corners. By designing circular soup bowls tailored to the preferences of Hong Kong businesses, Lexngo demonstrates its dedication to waste reduction. The initiative strives to serve as a catalyst for the adoption of reusable tableware in Hong Kong.
Striking the Perfect Balance
Hong Kong is set to implement a waste charging scheme on August 1, 2024, there will be a cost on the disposal of all food packaging and plastic shopping bags. Many individuals purchase groceries in bulk and store them in the freezer. However, there are more practical and environmentally friendly alternatives to plastic bags. So, what options are available? Carlotta believes in the mantra “Less is more” and has introduced reusable food bags made of silicone to preserve food freshness. These bags are designed to accommodate precisely the right amount of groceries, such as one pound of vegetables, serving as a reminder to purchase only what is necessary for portion control. Durable and lightweight, reusable silicone food bags are not only leak-proof and easy to clean but also suitable for refrigeration and heating. They represent a viable alternative to food packaging and plastic shopping bags, reducing citizens’ waste disposal expenses.
Leak-proof, easy to clean, and suitable for both refrigeration and heating.
Acting Together with a unified goal
After mere minutes of use, a plastic fork, straw, disposable container, and plastic bag are discarded into oblivion. However, what we discard isn’t just utensils; it’s also our contribution to environmental pollution.
The distaste for inconvenience is a common trait among Hong Kong people. While many may claim to understand the harm of disposable tableware, only a few truly comprehend the consequences of these discarded items on the environment. Undoubtedly the implementation of policies is driving the advancement of environmental protection and bringing hope to align with the reputation of an international metropolis. Therefore, “people influence people, lives affect lives” has become paramount.
“We all have to work towards the same goal for it to be effective, thus coordination and dialogue with periodic review is essential”
– Dr. Caroline Law, Brand Advisor of Lexngo
Caroline suggests that besides proactive self-learning, collaboration with various sectors and discussion of implementation plans can help cultivate a culture of reusable tableware within social, business, and professional circles. Let’s lead our teams to take action, experience the convenience of enjoying meals with reusable tableware, and work towards waste reduction together.

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